The Future Of Digital Comics!
There's a new digital comic format in town! It's in landscape format and is very reader friendly... I've never been massively keen on digital comics, mostly because of all the zooming and scrolling you have to do to read them. I tried it on my I-Pod and just didn't like it at all. Then I tried reading CBR files on my desktop... all reads okay, but you can't slob out with a giant mug of tea, a packet of biscuits and your favorite Alan Moore graphic novel at a computer desk in quite the same way as you can on the sofa. The limitations spoil the enjoyment for me. I've also had a go at those motion comic things... they work reasonably well I guess, but my problem with them is they're neither one thing or the other. Adding sound and animation looks good on the surface, but underneath is it really a comic? I've got a copy of the 'Watchmen' motion comic and I like the animation, especially as it faithfully retains Dave Gibbons' awesome art, but I didn't read any of the balloons as the voice over did all that for me... so what is it, a comic or a cartoon? The new format smashes through all these obstacles digital comics throw in the way of reader enjoyment by being beautifully simple... and still comics... no animation, no sound, but using the technology to deliver a great read. The page/screen is in a landscape format to fit your tablet, phone, laptop, pc, screen and each panel, word balloon is revealed when you click on the next page, sounds dull, but the implications and storytelling possibilities are endless, and it makes for a very good read... as long as the story and art are good...
There's a few sites offering their comics in this format, notably Mark Waid at where all content is free to view online or download. Mojo Pop Comics, a very new site, who I'm involved with and are offering lots of all ages comics for a small price, as of this writing the first issue MojoPop's debut title is on sale now, with more to follow as soon as they're ready.
I've started a new one in this format too that I'm calling my Comic Blog Thingy. You can download the first episode for free here. When the page comes up click on 'Index of...' to open the PDF. It may take a while as it's 25 MB. Then either read it online or save the file and read it at your leisure in your preferred PDF reader. Use the arrow keys to jump to the next image as opposed to scrolling down the side of the document or you won't get the desired effect. I've tried it online in several browsers, Mozilla Firefox and Avant Browser worked perfectly, while Google Chrome doesn't have arrow keys so you'll have to save it from there, and Internet Explorer crashed completely and refuses to open it at all... never liked Explorer much anyway... haven't tested it on Safari yet though.
If you enjoy the Blog Thingy and the new format, feel free to tell your friends and pass on the links to whoever you think might like them...
If you contact Mojo Pop or Thrillbent, please tell them I sent you.
Please post any comments, ideas, similar links, sites using this format that I haven't mentioned etc. below, thanks.
The future of digital comics is here!
Spread The Word!
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