Tuesday 28 May 2024


 We're still here... How's everyone out there? As the clownworld continues to get ever more insane here's some good stuff to help keep you going...


Halfway through inks-

Traditional inks...

A bit of colour...


See you soon... We'll be back with new stuff ASAP here and over on Funky Punk Comics too...

Friday 22 December 2023

It's Chrimbo... again!!

 What I despise in 'current day' is how at the moment every aspect of our lives and culture is designed to divide us all when we all know that the only way we can move forward positively is to come together. It's the oldest political trick in the book, get us all bickering like toddlers about petty shallow infantile stuff so we don't notice what's really going on. We can all get along even if we disagree. United the likes of the WEF and their allies cannot stop us, and what better time to come together than at Christmas.

So Happy Christmas to everyone. Hope you all have a fantastic time and best wishes for you and all your family and friends in 2024.

Next time- 2024...

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
'NO' to 2030



Monday 4 December 2023

Dec 2023 update!

 Head on over to https://funkypunkcomics.blogspot.com for all the latest updates... This week sees the first of some of my Dad's Christmas card designs from the late 70s/early 80s, recently discovered among stuff in my loft...

Friday 16 December 2022

Merry Christmas!!

 Merry Christmas one and all! Hope this festive season brings you and yours great joy and wishing everyone the very best for 2023.

We'll be back with more comic content ASAP both here and on Funky Punk Comics.
See you then...

Friday 17 December 2021

Merry Christmas!!

Guys, we're  over on the Funky Punk Comics blog... Join us...

Have a great festive season with all your family and friends and best wishes for the new year. 


Stop the division. Everyone has their own valid point of view. Only together can we move forward. Unite and end the dystopian clown-world.

NEXT TIME- 2022!!



Previous Fred Fortune comics available here-

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.



Friday 10 December 2021

New Discovery of Old 'Lost' Christmas Card Design!

Guys,  we're all over at the Funky Punk Comics blog... Join us...

Around this time last year on 'Funky Punk Comics' I posted a few surviving Christmas card designs that my Dad did to give to friends, family and clients from the early to late 1970s. While he got the later ones professionally printed, the earlier ones he printed himself by creating the image as a lino cut, covered the lino in ink and printed it by passing the card and inked lino through an old mangle to mimic a printing press, kind of like a homemade etching. While tidying up a few months back I came across several prints of another design amongst some of his work. I don't remember this one but it's quite striking in it's graphic grainy simplicity. These are probably experiments in colour to see which version worked best. Personally the middle one works best for me. What do you think? I have no idea when he did this one, but I expect it's the early 70s. Love it...

There is a Facebook page that showcases more of my dad's art, including landscape paintings and arabic calligraphy, here-
Please check it out...

NEXT TIME- Chrimbo 2021!!

Funky Punk Merch-

Previous Fred Fortune comics available here-

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.



Friday 5 February 2021

Funky Dabby Dosy!!

New posts for 2021 kick off next Friday @4PM GMT over on Funky Punk Comics

Please check us out if you've got a spare moment and you like sci-fi, indie comics, comedy, beer, drawing, art, music and trees. Hope to see you there...

Funky Punk Merch-

Previous Fred Fortune comics available here-

Coming Soon- Fred Fortune: City of Tomorrow 

If you like Funky Punk please follow, subscribe, comment and share. If not, thanks for reading this far and we'll be back with some more comics and other stuff next Friday.

